Saturday, June 11, 2022

Boujee Blondies

I'm always on the prowl for culinary vices filled with wonderment and intrigue.  I love delicious things, especially when I am not up for the work of creating it myself.  I appreciate and shamelessly promote nutriment made and/or hand crafted by others, every chance I get.  I relish in sharing intel, when I am forturnate enough to experience flavors worth talking about.  With that being said, I was doing some reading of emails one day and saw a reference to a place called the Blondery.  I was immediately enthralled and followed the links to a real treasure,  a "limited release virtual bakery" with the most toothsome and scrumptious blondies, which if you are uncertain, are a cross between a chocolate chip cookie and a brownie!  Yum and Yum.  
The creator of this Boujee Bliss is a woman by  the name of Auzerais Bellamy, an African American woman with the Midas Touch when it comes to flavor profiles.  She uses only the finest ingredients in her baking, with no additives or preservatives, a mensch when it comes to Pastries, professionally trained and acclaimed by the Bouchon Bakery, too many accolades to mention.  She has been perfecting her signature flavors for over ten years and just shines with her inception of Pecan and Salted Caramel Blondies, which are absolutely AHMAZING!! 
The Blondery website is always bustling, there's a waiting list and even has a timer displayed to mark the countdown to the magic making, which is on Sundays. Certain items are usually always sold out, but she does have a certain combination that is always available.   I ordered the 'always available' sample package, featuring four of the many seasonal flavors.  There are a total of 8 flavors offered, as well as individual "cake in a jar" and whole cakes!  
The Blondies are sent to your desired destination, protected by a bevy of protective items, including bubble wrap, an ice pack, shrink wrap and some packing paper.  Snug as a bug in a rug, your items arrive fresh and gorgeous.  I was so enthralled with the delivery, which I happened to catch the UPS guy, right as I was leaving my driveway.  I had engagements, but as I drove away and towards my destination, I could not stop thinking about what I would find in the much anticipated package, riding shotgun with me, beckoning me to see if what I ordered was worth the wait.  
Surprise! The Blondery box is elegant.
Looks like a present, oh wait, it is!

My curiosity got the best of me after maybe 8 miles and luckily I was afforded the opportunity to unwrap my present to self, a luxurious and decadent Pandora's Box of Sexiness, beautifully packaged, sleek, elegant and dignified.  I felt special.  I felt "Bad and Boujee". I felt empowered and honored as well.  I would be tasting a creation of an acclaimed Pastry Chef, from Brooklyn, down here in my little ole' town in Virginia.  I felt the Pride in knowing that she is brown, like me, following her dream, as I am pursuing my own, reassured that I too can potentially rise to such heights in my profession, the world is my 'Blondie.'  I'd love to meet her, alas I digress.  I sneaked a peek and quickly put the pristine little gift box back in its packaging.  I would wait until my girls finished with school and practice, so we could experience them together, for the first time.  They met and exceeded my expectations, so much so, that I am sharing this with you. 
You can check out Auzerais Bellamy's captivating and motivating story on the Blondery website ( and also on the Blondery Meta page, or simply scan the QR code below to visit the website!  While you're at it, grab a piece of the future, something you can taste and become a part of this unforgettable culinary revolution! 

The Blondery "Birthday Cake Box"

Blondery offers 8 seasonal flavors!

Beautiful and ample packaging for aestetic and shipping


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