The bread aisle at the Altavista Walmart |
These photos were taken at the Walmart, on one of my many trips, in my hometown. They are a startling reminder of what's going on in our country, our states, our towns. In all the melee, please remember to be courteous of others and considerate of quantity limits set by the stores to ensure that more shoppers have an opportunity to pick up the items they need for their families too. A sweeping 'hoarderesque' effect has taken hold during this Pandemic, on our people, somewhat forcing others to follow suit or miss out.
Do not forget, we are only as strong as our weakest teammates. Yes, we would like to acquire the goods offered at the stores. True, we don't want to run out. Yes, some states and cities are under quarantine and had to hurriedly find staples before the lockdown. It is good to be proactive during this time, but the unfortunate part of this scenario is that we are not yet even under quarantine or facing the tribulations of some cities.
Some of the town's residents have embraced an attitude of 'no one matters, except my family' and that is most unfortunate. It seems as if they have lost regard for fellow mankind in an effort of self preservation.
Please be considerate of others during this time. Lastly, treat others as you would have them treat you and use this as your guide to humanity and gauging your moral compass. Together, we're better! Just make sure you are limiting your group numbers and practicing social distancing, so we can do our part to help thwart the enemy and force it into dormancy.
Frozen Foods aisle (Pizza) at Walmart, Altavista VA |
Cold Cuts/Sandwich meats aisle at Walmart, Altavista VA |
Cleaning products w/Bleach and Detergents aisle, Walmart, Altavista, VA |